image �1999, darrel anderson -

Do the kids dig what we do?
2003-06-25 � 3:27 p.m.

Another night of no sleep. I don't know what's up with me. I even went out and skated my backside off yesterday in an effort to become exhausted enough to sleep. It didn�t work — despite going to bed at one a.m. (there is Farscape to be watched, after all), I was still awake at seven-thirty. I'm tired, but I know that if I put myself prostrate on my bed, I'd just lay there with my eyes feeling like weird pits.


In other skating news, I fell off my skateboard and ripped big chunks out of the palms of my hands. It sucked, and I do not recommend it.

Other than that, though, there is a pile of good news:

One, I am employed. Yay! I'm wary, because honestly this job is a massive cut in pay, but the environment may indeed make up for that. We'll have to see. I start tomorrow. Doubtless I will be exhausted again.

Two, it appears as though I may be able to expiate some of the massive karmic debt I owe to the super fabulous VEX by doing her a favor. Yay! I like to help people.

Three, Junior Senior. I have found my summer soundtrack! Watch out, we are Rhythm Bandits! Oh yeah.

Four, I am employed. This cannot be overstated. I had a nice vacation, and now it's time to go back to work.

My roommate thinks we should go see Hulk, so I guess we will.

Later, kids.


Currently Aurally Inducing: n/a
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: n/a

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