image �1999, darrel anderson -

Got a nasty headache called rock 'n roll
2003-06-23 � 10:04 p.m.

I don't care that Mssr. Gaddles is showing off with a swanky top ten list — I can only manage five, and I'm okay with that. Really, I am. It just shows to go you: I am the poster child for conservative restraint.


1. The Sounds - Living in America: Oh, gorgeous Swedish art-garage rock! Have you heard these kids? It's like...the rock of Sahara Hotnights crossed with the pop tunefulness of The Cardigans and some Blondie tossed on top for sass! In fact, the title of this entry is one of their lyrics. Get in the queue to get this record, kids — you won't be disappointed.

2. The Postal Service - Give Up: Beep! Boop! Blorp! Atmospheric indie-elctro-pop from Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel (with some vocal assistance from Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley). Now, I've never thought much of Death Cab, so revoke my IndieRock Club Membership now, if you need to. I saw The Dismemberment Plan open for them and blow them so far out of the water I thought it was raining! Okay, that's stretched a little tight, and but still — Death Cab never really pulled it off for me. But these Postal Service tracks are a load of fun! Download the "Such Great Heights" track from their site, and see if this isn't the kind of lazy, subtly rocking, sad music that fits blue-skied summer days perfectly. Yes, I know it's odd to call music with electronic drums and high BPMs "lazy" but then again, I'm odd.

3. Ladytron: I know, I know! I'm years behind the curve! So what else is new? Ladytron rocks! Ladytron is Kraftwerk reincarnated in the post-punk era! I write that like I knew what it was supposed to mean, and I do, kind of. Ladytron sounds almost exactly like their name makes it seem: electronic art rock! Art isn't bad, people. It's not something that should scare you. Fuck art, let's kill! The new album comes out soon.

4. Electric Six: "I went to the get start the war!" 'Nuff said.

5. BitTorrent: now this is something odd. It's a protocol for distributing and sharing files, but it doesn't work like any of the Kazaa/LimeWire/WinMX/Aimster wholesale file leech things do. It's primarily designed to distribute the load of sharing a file to the clients. The longer the file is available, and the longer it propagates, the more hosts are available to download from. It's interesting, though not meant for doing the same things as those other post-Napster type programs. It's on my list, though, because you can get some hott Japanese anime fansubs using BitTorrent that you can't get any other way! I got the first eight episodes of Kodomo no Omocha using BitTorrent, which is way cool, because there isn't any other way to get it in America, really. Wee!

I expect I'll be offered a job tomorrow, and I expect I'll take it. I hope I don't get offered another job after I accept this one. That would be...uncomfortable.


Currently Aurally Inducing: Northern State, Dying in Stereo
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "What's a girl like me supposed to do? Just get on the mic, you know you want to!"

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