image �1999, darrel anderson -

Jobs and TV
2003-06-23 � 11:51 a.m.

Guten Morgen, my filthy stink children!

I may be nearing employment. This is good news for two reasons. Firstly, the bank account balance is dwindling, and despite my claims to the contrary all these years, it turns out I do need to eat after all. That and pay the cable bill so I can continue to watch Farscape. Who knew it was so good? Bil knew, and I scoffed. For shame!

But it is also good, because my mother called me at the end of last week and asked me if I knew anyone who could work for their company over the summer. I thought immediately of my friend Kyle, but unfortunately he does not drive, so he cannot get to job sites. Once I tell my parents that I am unemployed I'll be out on the street for the rest of the summer, cutting grooves in the asphalt. Or, more likely, filling in the grooves that just got cut in the asphalt.

I really don't want to do either of those things.

But I will, if I have to. This is the nature of the world. As my friend George has said multiple times, "You do what you have to do, and no shame in it."

He was referring to supporting one's family, but the idea is the same.

Anyway, I applied for a job that I am so over-qualified for it's a damn shame (my friend Pat is trying to get me to apply to be a sysadmin at OSDL, which job I could get because of his influence, but I'd rather be over-qualified for a job and do blindingly well than to be sadly under-qualified and make a fool out of myself; I mean, Linus Torvalds just took a leave of absence from Transmeta to work at OSDL exclusively!), but that's the job market here in OryGun — shitty. So I applied, did a phone interview, a for real interview, and now another phone interview.

Only this last phone call wasn't really an interview — instead it was the vice-president of the company telling me that they have two people they want to hire, but only one and a half positions. I cringed inwardly, thinking I was about to be offered a part-time job, when she continued to tell me that they have this other thing running their affiliates program and the person that is doing that has stepped into the role of being the new account manager for Sony, so they need someone to do that too, and maybe I could do the original job and this affiliates thing too, and what did I think of that?

Well, damn — that's an intriguing offer, and not just because of Farscape. I mean, there's Sports Night to consider too, right? Oh, and food. Whatever.

So I'm going in to have another interview (!) with Noah, the new Sony rep who has been running the affiliates program, and we'll see what's going on. She told me I didn't need to dress up — "We've already seen that you can look nice if you want to" — and I even got to pick the time.

This has been the WEIRDEST interview process I have ever gone through. It's kind of stressing me out.

By the way, and I've been meaning to mention this, did anyone else notice the guy in Good Charlotte wearing the "Squee!" t-shirt in the "Boys & Girls" video? Damnit! I don't need those damn PunkLyte kids horning in on my Jhonen! Where's my Squee! t-shirt, huh? And how come Good damn Charlotte gets to basically rip off a Blur song (sort-of, mostly) and still get mad play on MTV2/Hits? one else pays attention to that kind of crap? Damnit, I need a life pretty bad.

I'm gonna take a shower and then go see if I can wrangle employment out of these foolish mortals. Beware! You know not who you are dealing with!


Currently Aurally Inducing: God Lives Underwater, Can't Come Down
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "Fight for love or love to fight, never know what's wrong or right."

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