image �1999, darrel anderson -

Your Monday
2003-05-19 � 3:34 p.m.

Welcome to your Monday.

Your Monday has been odd, but no more odd than other days. It was just Monday.

Technically speaking, your Monday started at twelve a.m., because you were still awake. You weren't doing anything good, just watching different pieces of bad movies on television. You followed that with a depressing marksmanship performance in Counter-Strike, and then applied for a few jobs online. It didn't occur to you until afterwards that perhaps having a timestamp of after one a.m. might make your application materials less attractive.

You then got into bed and read the first one hundred eighty-seven pages of She's Come Undone, and a bit of The Saga of the Volsungs, which you brought back from your neglected bookcase at your parents' house out of some misguided idea that embracing your Norse heritage would be a good idea — you're no Viking.

Then, though it was more morning than night and you knew you should just get back out of bed and accomplish something, you fell asleep. You did this with your computer and bedside lights on. When you awoke, much of the regular day had passed.

You wrote some more cover letters to accompany your reformatted résumé, but remembered that you don't own a printer any more. You can print off the letters and résumés on your roommate's printer, but to do that you'll have to wait for him to wake up, which will unfortunately be well after the last mail has been collected for the day.

So instead you will accept your friend Kyle's invitation to come over and ride skateboards.

Welcome to your Monday.

Currently Aurally Inducing: Suicide Machines, Islands
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "All my dreams were just islands in the sky..."

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