image �1999, darrel anderson -

You think it won't happen?
2003-01-14 � 9:27 a.m.

I had this MPEG I was going to rave about and urge everyone to download, but I figure that maybe thirteen megabytes of silliness is a little too much to expect people to deal with over dial-up. It wasn't even that funny — you kind of have to be a big freaky anime geek like me to get anything out of it at all. It had Japanese people dancing though, and that was cool.

I just re-read those sentences, and I realized that fifty years ago, no one would have had a fucking clue what I was talking about except for maybe the mention of Japan. How freaky is that? I am able to construct entire paragraphs that depend so heavily on modern concepts that they would be unintelligible to people of a previous generation.

Whoa. That's so cool!

I like shit like that. When that French UFO Cult announced that they had cloned a human, I was skeptical but pleased. I was super-pleased by the fact that it's a French UFO Cult that's making the claims. (Are they French, or are the Belgian? I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to go look it up.) I'm all for body modification, as long as it meets my own aesthetic standards. Tattoos are good, because you can get some cool stuff done. Most piercings and brandings and such don't do much for me. I'm waiting for cosmetic skin grafts, eye replacements, stuff like that.

How freaking cool would it be to have a patch of scales? Or leopard-print skin? Or to have your eyes replaced with ones of better color, improved vision and a goddamn warranty?

Pretty damn neat, I say.

Or even better, brain-mods. Direct brain interfaces for data — oh boy, bring it on! Or how about I want to be better at X, flip my X savant switch please.

Yeah. The day I can sit down at my computer and plug a cable into my skull to talk to it, that's the day I'll be happy with the state of technological advancement on this here planet kids.


Currently Aurally Inducing: Placebo, Bruise Pristine
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "We were born to lose."

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Int4rw3b Personals
Gene Wolfe
Image Fix
Again, I Return. (Gonna have to knock this off...)
A Return of Sorts
