image �1999, darrel anderson -

My Stickfa is Neuter
2003-01-13 � 12:23 a.m.

Gigantically hugely wonderful update over at my roommate's site, BVDI.

Sad bit? He's my roommate, and I didn't even know that story until I read it on his freakin' website.

The question remains — why didn't he do it?

The whole of McMinnville past and present relocated itself to Coors Valley (i.e., Corvallis) last night to take over a bar in order to watch rock and roll created by other McMinnvillans. This included my roommate and myself, even though it's something like an hour and forty-five minute drive to Coors Valley from Portland. And that's if you get off the highway at the right spot, which I didn't because I was in full fulmination mode, ranting about something or another. We drove almost to Eugene.

The result being that we missed The Clarity Process, the band I wanted to see the most. We did get to see The Grand Letdown and the Jupiter Satellite though, so that was keen. I was pleased with the Letdown, very tight.

There was the requisite amount of drama and gossip, we scared away any number of locals, and I saw people I haven't seen in years and years. I learned that my sister is quite the player amongst the boys (two exes present at the gathering and another boy that she's romancing — proof positive that whatever is wrong with me I managed to do to myself), and was made uncomfortable by it, as is to be expected.

Then we drove home, arriving at the wonderful hour of three a.m. We watched some Allison Mack in "My Horrible Year" and then I passed out for about fifteen hours. I must have been tired.

Which leaves me both listless and still awake at twenty after twelve on a Monday morning.



Currently Aurally Inducing: Inoue Kikuko, Kimi No Mado Kara
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: ???

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