image �1999, darrel anderson -

"Daggers of Pain! (I Don't Know Why I Am Naming It That)
2003-08-11 � 11:37 a.m.

Greetings, Humans! I know it's mildly insulting to just blurt that out, but we are all slaves to our genetic destinies.

The weekend was fairly eventful, given that I only had to work one night. Friday evening was spent in leisure, Saturday saw a trip to the Ancestral Abode for a practice Dome construction and then working the door at the bar, Sunday finally heralded the arrival of the new roommate, complete with actually sleeping over! (I think that makes it as official as it is likely to get.)

As is typical, I attempted to just "stop by" the Bonfire on Friday night to drop off a CD for the Almighty Tim and just scope some people, but in reality was there until three a.m. This was partially due to Bar Inertia, but also partially due to my friend Pat spotting me standing on the sidewalk as he drove by and parking and accosting me before I could escape to regale me with his tales of breaking his back, feuding with people in the Linux Kernel development world, and visiting our friend Bryan in New York. This was all very interesting, but after about forty minutes of him relating to me how exciting his life is, it was kind of depressing to have no answer when he askd, "So...what's been up with you?"

Skot and I also erected the infamous Shade Dome on Saturday. While not going completely flawlessly, it was sufficiently without hiccups to reassure myself and the Skot that it not only could be done, but done by a pair of bumbling incompetents like ourselves. Doing it in the desert will be hot and sweaty work for sure, but then again doing anything in the desert, even sitting in the shade and drinking water, is likely to be hot and sweaty work. Yes, sitting and sweating is work. Don't ask me, I don't make the rules.

We had to take all of the supplies for the Dome and travel to the little rural county park that is about three quarters of a mile down the road from the Ancestral Abode because there wasn't really a good space to work in at the AA. There we were looked at with amusement by the barbeque-ing masses as we struggled to lay out all the pipes and allocate rope. One old woman openly mocked us, and basically told us there there was no way we would ever make it work. When the roof started to raise up as we joined corners, we got some serious looks of amazement. I cannot say I felt any less surprised. I also felt pretty damn elated. It works!

The rest of the weekend went pretty smoothly. I really don't have any exciting tales to tell. I mean, I never really do, but sometimes I pretend, just for you folks. Because you gots to feel the love. Or something.

No it is Monday. I am tired because I didn't sleep correctly, and I am bored, even though there is plenty to do. I have an actual MEETING later today, really the first one I've had since I've been here, and that's going to be strange. I won't have anything to contribute, I'll just be sitting there looking like a dork.

(Dork! You did know that "dork" is a slang term for male genitalia, didn't you?)

I am hungry, and for some reason I crave asparagus. How can this be? I think it will be difficult to come by here at work. Oh food, how I yearn for thee!


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