image �1999, darrel anderson -

List Trim and a Quiz!
2003-01-20 � 3:55 p.m.

Two updates?!? Can you tell I have the day off?

I just edited my "buddy list" thing again. I trimmed, I cut, and I weeded.

I started after I read Mr. Unclaimed's newest entry, and it drove something home to me about him that made me realize that I read what he writes with a great deal of discomfort.

I don't actually know why, as he seems like a fine fellow. Or rather, I do know, but I'm not sure why I feel the way I do.

He seems, to me, by far too self-satisfied. Which is completely at odds with the content of his entries...and but still. That's just how it all reads, and it always makes me uncomfortable, so now I won't anymore.

Probably. Heh.

And now a Quiz! This one I grabbed from The BoomBoxFairy.

1. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? Everything? No one. I'd split my stuff, probably. Not that I have that much that anyone would want. My sister would get a lot of it — my CD collection, probably my A/V components. Skot would get my computer bits and my guitar (he'd have to blow the dust off of it first). The rest my parents would have to deal with. I guess I don't really care.

2. Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? One person? There's more than one, actually. I know, because I have done it, many times. My roommate, Skot. Bil, my former roommate. Um...Wallace. Yeah.

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)? Only one thing?!? Crap. I'd get rid of my reticence and fear. That'd help a lot.

4. What is the one thing you just have to do before you die? Nothing. I could die tomorrow and be as happy as fifty years from now. Happier, probably.

5. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? Ha! Um, buy stuff? I mean seriously — it's money. What else are you going to do with it? mean what would I buy if I won the lottery? Freedom.

6. What do you want people to say about you when you die? I'd like for them to tell the truth, however they see it. Even though that means the eulogies are going to be hard to listen to.

7. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? About five minutes, depending. I'm not a fashion plate, people.

8. What would you like to be reincarnated as? Do I have to be? Bummer.

9. Do you make fun of your friends? Of course! Personally, I don't think that you can have a good relationship with someone if you don't tease each other a little bit. There are limits, of course.

10. Do you enjoy talking to your self? No one else really listens to me, so yeah.

11. What's your biggest fear? Belonging to someone.

12. What would you have liked to be named? I've got a pretty good name, actually. I don't think anything else would work. I don't think about stuff like this.

13. What's your most prized (material) possession? My computer. How freaking pathetic is that?

14. What songs bring back the most memories? Jebus. I can't even answer that, there's too many. Check my past quiz-type-things.

15. What's the largest organ in the human body? Trick question, sort-of. The largest organ is your skin (seriously), but that's obviously not "inside." I don't know, actually.

16. Do you have a bar trick? Um...drinking? Not interacting? Something like that.

17. Could a pack of wolves have done a better job raising you than your parents? Nope. My parents rule.

18. What do you look for in the opposite sex? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

19. If you were given one day to live what would you do? Waste it, probably.

21. What's your best physical feature? The inside of my left pinky. Truly remarkable.

22. What's your summer job? Summer? Oh, to be the maker of this quiz!

23. What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted? Hmmm...I recall being grounded, but I don't remember what for. Actually the worst punishment wasn't actually inflicted by my parents, though it involved them.

I was in sixth grade and me and this kid named Jared from my homeroom were feuding with this girl over some stupid thing or another. We were walking down the hall to some sort of activity or another and saw her ahead of us. We shouted jeeringly, and (this is so stupid) I flipped her off.

Well, brainiac that I am, I was standing right in front of the principal's office when I did this. I remember turning to my right and seeing Mr. Collins coming around the counter towards the door like an Angel of Vengeance. I ran, again like a brainiac, and he had to run after me and catch me, by the ear, which he used to drag me to his office.

It was a Friday afternoon, and his punishment to me was that I had the entire weekend to reveal to my father (who Mr. Collins knew, of course) what I had done. He said he expected a call from my father before noon on Monday, and if he didn't get one, he was calling him at work. He told me I didn't want him to be the one to have to tell my father.

Well, as I am sure you can guess, that was an excruciating weekend, possibly the worst one of my entire life. I was filled with dread and agony. I didn't tell my Dad until Sunday night, of course, and he whacked my ass twice (though I think he was secretly amused at how miserable I had made myself all weekend long — it was bad enough that my parents had asked me more than once if I felt alright).

That was all there was to it. Proof that Mr. Collins was a master educator — I did all the work of my punishment myself. Brilliant.

24. What have you learned about love? Nothing. It may or may not exist...I dunno. In fact a great deal of this diary space has been devoted to this subject, so I'll leave it at that, nar?

25. How have you changed in the past year? Hmmmph. I think I have more facial hair now.

26. What's your way of escaping reality? Books, yay!

27. What hair problems have you had? Have I told the story about dying my hair fire-engine red and then having my grandmother die, so that I had to go to her funeral that way? Yeah. That and the whole period of shaving myself bald. That was...unwise. I don't have the head (or the ears) for such a thing.

28. What's the most annoying thing people tell you about you? "You're so cool!" What planet do you people live on?

29. Have you met any celebrities? Hmmm...well, yeah, I guess. William Gibson a couple of times. I hung out with Chuck Palahniuk for several hours right before he got super famous because of the Fight Club movie. Harold Jaffe too.

Funny how all my "celebrities" are writers, huh? Where are my music celebrities? Um...Travis from The Plan. Urk. I can't think of any others, actually.

Okay...quiz time is over. My fingers are numb, it's that cold in here. I need to go run errands now that the day is mostly over.


Currently Aurally Inducing: Ohgr, Cracker
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "You think you're evil, but you're not...still sucking life from the mainstream."

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