image �1999, darrel anderson -

List of Sights and a Survey
2002-11-17 � 4:02 a.m.

Back now from the rock and the fish.

Here are things I saw tonight that are (were) cool or interesting or appealing to me:

  • The three-piece band at the Lutefisk Dinner that consisted of three people so old they couldn't even hold their instruments up -- they had to have stands. Precious.

  • The little bumper I made to precede the Zim episodes I burned as a VCD. (Careful -- that's a 400k .avi file...just so you know what you're getting into if you choose to try and view it.)

  • The Charmparticles! (You knew I was gonna say that.)

  • My "momentary crush" for the evening: a girl in boots, ratty jeans with a wallet on a chain, a cream fuzzy sweater closed at the neck with a pearl button and open over a Guns n' Roses "Appetite for Destruction" t-shirt that was a size too small, a sequin choker, black horn-rimmed glasses, and black finger-length hair teased back so those spiky things stick out on the back. Yow -- time to melt and run into the storm drain.

  • That's all I can think of, really.

I'm now going to do this survey, which I stole from Pezloko, who stole it from someone else named Linds.

my father thinks i am: I don't know.

my mother thinks i am: I don't know.

my sibling thinks i am: I don't know.

my grandma thinks i am: They're both dead, so again: I don't know.

my grandpa thinks i am: Ditto.

my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks i am: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *chokes*

my best friend thinks I am: I don't know.

(Okay, yeah -- this isn't starting off all that fun...but those things are true. I don't know what anybody thinks of me. They all seem to like me, but that's not really the question, is it? I cannot answer.)

your three best qualities: I keep to myself, I can be rational and objective about other people's problems, and I can fake my way through most everything else.

your three worst qualities: Laziness, lack of fiduciary responsibility and the squandering of whatever small amount of potential I might possess.

three things you are often complimented for: Um -- I don't get compliments. I actually probably do, but I don't have the kind of personality that allows me to actually hear them.

a compliment you got that made you blush: *sigh* -- see above.

you get embarrassed when: I am the topic of conversation.

makes you happy: Rock music, books, diversion of any kind, forgetting things.

upsets you: People who aren't me getting down on/de-valuing themselves (maybe I should add "being a hypocrite" to the list of "worst qualities.")

yes or no...

you keep a diary: Ha!

you like to cook: Nope -- I barely even enjoy eating.

you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Oh yeah. A bushel-full.

you fold your underwear: Why would you do that? Oops -- I mean, underwear?

you talk in your sleep: Not a clue. I doubt it though.

you set your watch a few minutes ahead: Not! What's the point of doing that? Who are you fooling? I just don't understand... My watch is always as close to the exact time as I can get it.

you bite your fingernails: Nope. Never wanted to.

you believe in love: *sigh* Okay -- how do I answer that? About ninety percent of the time (including right now), my immediate response is an emphatic "No!" In always is. But I'd like to believe in it. But it's like my opinion on a Supreme Being -- I see no real evidence to support the theory, but I do see a whole lot of people who want to pretend that it's true because they couldn't function if they had to face that it wasn't.


movie you rented: Um. Er. It's been years. I honestly don't know.

movie you bought: I bought a DVD of Safehouse for my roommate for his birthday.

song you listened to: I'm listening to the Nine Inch Nails' cover of "Memorabilia" right now, because that's what Winamp tossed up.

song that was stuck in your head: *hangs head in shame* That Ludicris track that's got the "*BOOM! Get out the way, get out the way!" line in it. But before that it was "The Doom Song."

song you've downloaded: My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Days of Swine and Roses.

CD you bought: I bought another copy of the Charmparticles' EP tonight, because I gave my sister the one I had.

CD you listened to: Sparta, Wiretap Scars. This thing really hasn't left the CD player in my car for...a month or more. It's starting to scare me. I need to move on.

person you've called: My sister. She wasn't there.

person that's called you: I don't get phone calls.

TV show you've watched: An episode of "Invader Zim." But you knew that.

person you were thinking of: Um. How do you mean? Like actively considering? My sister, since there was just a question to which she was the answer. Flitted through my mind? Robert Smith, but probably only because there's a big picture of him about three feet from my head.


you wish you could live somewhere else: No. If I wanted to, I could.

you believe in online dating: *Groan* I think it's safe to say that I don't believe in "dating" at all -- as if it were something that one needed to invest belief in. It's not something I do. I meet people online and have...unfortunate...interactions with them sometimes. So no. I don't. Bad plan folks.

others find you attractive: When they want something. But generally, no.

you want more piercings: You mean "any." No. I leak enough as it is.

you want more tattoos: Yeah, but I'm a chicken.

you drink: Yup.

you do drugs: Not really. I take medications, and I sometimes imbibe other foreign substances, but rarely anymore. It's boring...and people who focus on it are boring too.

you smoke: I'm a pack a month smoker via second-hand smoke (as a rough estimate), but I have never actually *smoked* a cigarette. I played at smoking a pipe for a while several years ago, but you know what? That's a lot of work.

you like cleaning: Um, no. I like when things are clean, but reference my "worst qualities" answer, under "laziness."

you like roller coasters: Woo-hoo! (Okay, I will quickly be hypocritical and reveal a "drug story" -- but only enough to say that Great America + Four Good Friends + LSD = More Fun Than Should Be Legal...probably because it isn't.)

you write in cursive or print: Print, on those rare occasions that I use ink and dead trees. Mostly I type (even though I can't really do that.)

you carry a donor card: Nope. These organs are mine, damnit! I'm taking them with me!

have you...

ever cried over a boy/girl: No.

ever lied to someone: Everyday.

ever been in a fist fight: No -- someday, I'm sure.

ever been arrested: Nope, even though I deserved to be.


shampoo do you use: Shampoo?

shoes do you wear: Boots, Vans. Uh, yeah.

are you scared of: Spiders. Yup. That's all that comes to mind, really. (We'll not talk about the scene in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with the spiders. No, we won't. Because I said so. NO!)


of times I have been in love: Never.

of times I have had my heart broken: Once...but I wasn't in love with her. That was really the beginning and end of my serious attempts at having a relationship (I'm not counting Sharon, who I have mentioned here, for a number of different reasons -- she exists outside of and separate from the rest of my life experience).

of hearts I have broken: None...I don't think. Hmmm...I can't imagine that I have. I try not to let myself get that close to people -- but that's just how *I* feel I guess, which would probably mean that I have. Er. Christ -- I am a bad person.

of boys I have kissed: None. (Heh...I'm cheating. Sue me. I'm not answering the other, because it will only make me look like more of a loser than I already do. Yes -- it's possible.)

of people I consider my enemies: Enemies? None. I don't really interact with people on a level that would lead to lasting enmity.

of people from high school that I stay in contact with: Um...ten's a good estimate. I live with one.

of CDs' that I own: You know, I've never counted them. A few hundred I'm guessing. Too many for the two racks I've got.

of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: What an odd question. Uh -- several. Every time you would "place" in a Forensics tournament (meaning first, second or third place) you would get listed in the paper, and for a while there I was...unbeatable, and in multiple events. They did a little write-up on me when I went to Nationals too. Most embarrassing? My picture, full color, half-page, in the Arts section. I was clutching a blanket to my face with a look of bliss in my role as Linus from "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" -- I'm still not sure why they picked *me* as the "cover girl."

of things in my past that I regret: Nearly everything.

Christ -- it's four a.m.! Why have you kept me up this late?!? I'm falling over!


Currently Aurally Inducing: Fugazi, Greed
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "You wanted everything, you needed everything!"

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