image �1999, darrel anderson -

Don't You Want to Know How We Keep Starting Fires?
2003-06-13 � 4:14 p.m.

So...a Serpent Guard, a Horus Guard and a Sekesh Guard meet on a neutral planet. The situation is very tense. The Serpent Guard's eyes glow. The Horus Guard's beak glistens.

...and the Sekesh Guard's nose drips.


Oh Lord forgive me, for I am such a freaking GEEK! Pierce me through with barbs, mortify my flesh as pentitence for this overweening devotion to the marginalia of popular culture! Truly, do I sin! And truly do I misspeak for my own shady purposes, though they be not slim. Danger, oh Lord...High Voltage.

Not much news to impart, here. No new insights, pains, soul rending torments or mind-blasting ecstasies (at least that I'm willing to talk about...*cough*). It's been a boring twenty-some hours since last I felt the need to burden you all with my presence.

I started writing a little story, but then I realized what it was heading towards and I stopped.

I started to make a little song, but then I remembered that I suck, so I stopped that too.

I changed out the cables connecting my computer and stereo to get rid of a consistent hobgoblin of an issue. Pretty exciting, no?

I beat up a little kid for his lunch money, but it turns out he was a brown-bagger, so that was a bust too.


Indeed, I have proven that I can.


Currently Aurally Inducing: TriSloth, Jawbox Arrangements for Cello
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: n/a

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Int4rw3b Personals
Gene Wolfe
Image Fix
Again, I Return. (Gonna have to knock this off...)
A Return of Sorts
