image �1999, darrel anderson -

I am Bad at Phone Stuff
2003-06-02 � 2:08 a.m.

Okay —

Firstly, my apologies to those I told I would call today (now yesterday). My day, for various reasons, got away from me a little.

To the radiant Ciulionn, a happy birthday! I attempted to send you a text message last night as I stood at the bar and made sure everyone else was old enough to drink while partaking of none myself, but either I am dumb or your phone doesn't do that, or maybe a third possibility that I don't know about. Anyway, Happy Birthday!

To Bil, well, happy birthday to you too! Even though it isn't. I'm sorry man, I said I would call and I didn't. This is because I am a sucky friend.

I could relate at this point all of my adventures in the last twenty-four hours — drunks of several stripes, weird girls calling themselves "Merlin", disturbing sexual fantasies revealed to me by those whom I thought I knew, the police, my father's birthday, and most disturbing of all, the claim that I look like Harry Potter — but they're all just excuses.

I am truly sorry.

I'm a horrible person.


Currently Aurally Inducing: n/a
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: n/a

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Gene Wolfe
Image Fix
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A Return of Sorts
