image �1999, darrel anderson -

Love Sucks
2003-05-02 � 3:28 a.m.

Forgive me, for I am slightly inebriated.

Firstly, the good news: my father is well, the procedure came off without incident, and he should be released sometime tomorrow afternoon. Yay for modern medicine!

Let me express my heartfelt thanks to those of you who sent well wishing. It meant quite a bit to me, being the insecure blowhard that I am. My dad's about four billion times tougher than me, but I'll admit I was worried. I think I would fracture open like a California Fault Line if he died...I'm glad he didn't. More glad than I can express.

Secondly, I realized tonight as I sat about the bar (a place that I so didn't need to be) that I found desire to be boring.

No, even more — I find love to be boring.

It's become pedantic. People are unable to express their feelings for each other in a way that has not been co-opted by some facet of the media. Now, maybe that's their problem, or maybe it's mine, but what I find is that I am no longer moved by people's protestations of love and/or desire. No longer am I sympathetic to the crusher or crushee. I am past them, for I find all of their emotion and yearning to be tiring.

Now, maybe that means that Courtly Love is dead or maybe it means that our Pop Culture has driven it back into the realm where it means something only to those directly participating in it, but whichever the case, I personally am completely bored with the entire thing.

Keep it to yourself! Your sighs and moans and protestations of endless love are boring. They mean nothing to anyone but you, and maybe that's as should be. Why should such things be entertainment? Answer: they should not.

Public romanticism is over. Play your games in private! No one wants to hear it. Call us lonely trolls if you will, but if you look closely, you'll see your friends rolling their eyes too as you wax poetic.

Grow up.

This burst of vitriol brought to you by Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Currently Aurally Inducing: Ayumi Hamasaki, Trauma
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: ???

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