image �1999, darrel anderson -

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2002-10-29 � 8:27 a.m.

Ahhhhh...internet at home again!

It's like I'm able to walk normally after having been on crutches with a broken leg for a month. Which is pathetic in the extreme, but hey -- whatcha ya gonna do?

The setup went smoothly except for two things: firstly, I was a monkey and didn't use a crossover cable to connect the bridge to the server, and I couldn't figure that out for the longest time (I know, I know -- I thumped my head into the wall once I realized); secondly, I got everything up and running and it worked for about an hour before there was a city-wide network outage that lasted about five hours. Sheesh.

But now we are back on glorious broadband!

So I'm sitting on hold yesterday, waiting for a network status update (mildly worried at that point that it was a problem on my end), playing some Soul Calibur, when the call waiting beeped at me. I glanced at the caller ID and saw the name of my college.

Aw christ, I thought. They want donations.

I thought briefly about ignoring it, but I didn't want the call waiting to keep beeping in my ear, so I flashed over.

"Hello," I said, barely concealed exasperation in the word.

"Hello -- is Temek there?" came a girl's voice over the phone.

"Lusha!" I exclaimed.

Yes indeed -- it was my old friend Lusha. How nice is it to get unexpected phone calls from old friends? (Well, honestly, usually not very nice at all -- at least for me.) We chatted and I completely forgot I was on hold on the other line so I missed the technician and had to call back, but I didn't care.

It was really nice. It made me feel pretty good that she called me out of the blue. We're going to go have lunch next week. I'm actually looking forward to it.

(Stop the presses! Temek is looking forward to a social engagement! HOLY CHRIST!)

Sigh. I'm late for work, but I don't care. I went in yesterday at six a.m. and was there until noon, and Mondays are my days off, so they can suck it. Heh.

Tune in later for a report on why being friends with the bartender is a good and bad thing.

(Edited to add this damn nonsense, which I found out about because of Devallyk.)

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 09-01-00
212 entries
Supergold Edition

Description: lUs3r geekboy with self-esteem issues and no sense of self-preservation

Strengths: inhuman ability to ignore the fact that the world is crumbling about him, 'stealth' mode which allows him to move around the world of 'normals' without being spotted, cute in a dress.

Weaknesses: rock and roll, gadgets, cheap unhealthy food, online journals

Special Skills: remembering useless trivia about things no one else cares about, inexplicable ability to get amazingly awesome people to like him (scientists are studying this even now)

Weapons: to hurt self: everything about him. to hurt others: a meanness that has been honed to the point that it can draw blood. really.

Best Cartoon Ever: tie between the original 'Transformers' and 'Robotech'

Make your own Diaryland Trading Card!


Currently Aurally Inducing: Glassjaw, Cosmopolitan Bloodloss
Selection of the Lyrical Vocabulary: "After all...they let you decide..."

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Int4rw3b Personals
Gene Wolfe
Image Fix
Again, I Return. (Gonna have to knock this off...)
A Return of Sorts
